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Community Engagement & Education
© WWF - Hong Kong

The future of our planet depends on us all. Together, we can tackle the environmental challenges ahead to ensure nature will continue to thrive alongside future generations.

Together, we can safeguard the future of our planet by educating the next generation to be environmentally conscious and motivated to lead a sustainable lifestyle.

© WWF-Hong Kong / Hoiyin Ip
Why it matters

We have the responsibility to inspire the current and future generations to live sustainably by providing them with real-world ecological experience and empowering them to reduce their impact on the planet.


In response to the arrangement of the special vacation, we consolidated our online learning and teaching resources to facilitate students to enrich their vacation, through discovering the wonder of nature at home.

Our education mission is to create conservation and sustainability advocates across all generations through fun, engaging real-life experiences. All of our education activities fall under the “One Planet Education Programme” (OPEP), primarily targeting primary and secondary school students, as well as youths and the greater community.

We aim to inspire and empower people with the knowledge and skills that will enable society to conserve nature, fast-track the development of renewable energy, and adopt sustainable consumption and trade practices.

WWF organises an extensive and comprehensive range of educational programmes aimed at students, youths and teachers, as well as the general public, our corporate partners and other stakeholders from around the region.

​What You Can Do

We engage youth and volunteers through various training and experiential learning. Be part of it by joining our Citizen Science or One Planet Youth Leadership programme, sign up for our school programmes or join our Nature School activities!