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WWF condemns the buying and serving of the bluefin tuna by the Taste of Japan Group
WWF today presented over 280 “Reasons not to bid and serve bluefin tuna” collected from the public to the Taste of Japan Group (the Group). These statements demonstrate the strong feelings of the Hong Kong people who are calling on the Group and other restaurants not to use bluefin tuna as a promotional gimmick. WWF condemns the Group's sale of the auctioned bluefin tuna and the promotion encouraging further consumption of this fish which is of conservation concern.
While an increasing number of people in Hong Kong support WWF’s call to stop serving and consuming bluefin tuna, local sushi chains owned by Taste of Japan Group are still ignoring the public voice and will serve the bluefin tuna, bought from the Tsukiji fish market, on Friday.
Dr. Allen To, Conservation Officer (Marine) of WWF-Hong Kong said, “The overwhelming support received from the public shows that Hong Kong people are really concerned about bluefin tuna. They do not want to see a local restaurant to using animals of conservation concern to boost its business. By demonstrating the public concerns directly to the Group, there should be no excuse to bid for bluefin next year, or ever again.”
Awareness among the public has been rising with an increasing number of people in Hong Kong pledging not to consume these endangered species. To date, over 10,000 people have joined the “Bluefin Saver” facebook group to support WWF’s action. And over 280 posts about “Reasons not to bid and serve bluefin tuna” have been collected.
“We are not asking people not to dine at particular restaurants, but are calling on everyone to simply stop eating bluefin tuna.” Dr. To added. “Only by saying NO to bluefin tuna, can these marine giants be preserved.” WWF invites people to join its conservation efforts by signing up as Bluefin Savers at
There is currently no quota system and no way of controlling Pacific bluefin tuna fishing in international waters. A large number of immature Pacific bluefin tuna are caught by small, local fisheries in Japan, and in a study released in May 2010 by Japanese researchers, the population of large-sized Pacific bluefin tuna with reproductive capacity is shrinking at an alarming rate. The result indicates the need to accelerate efforts to restrict the catch of Pacific bluefin tuna for the protection of this species.