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Professor Thomas  C.C. Wong

Professor of Practice HiESD (HK)
Adjunct Professor NJJIT (China)
Senior Engineer (Textiles), FCTES; MHKITA
Fellows FBVCBS
Certified Sustainable Development Planner (CSDP)
International Society of Sustainability Professionals. USA.
Chartered Institute for Textiles, Clothing & Footwear, UK
University of Cambridge, CISL

Professor Thomas Wong has over 30 years’ experience in the luxury fashion field and over 20 years in the building industry with high end interior decoration. Recently he focuses on Sustainable Development of Animal-Based Industries, including the meat, animal fibres, fashion and pet industries.
  • Chairman of Sustainable Development Committee of The Chinese Manufacturers’ Association of Hong Kong
  • Founding President of Institute of International Sustainable Development
  • Associate Dean, Publicity of SDG Industry-education-research, HiESD
  • Founding Chairman of “Belt & Road Youth Foundation” (HK Charity # 91/15440)
  • Senior Expert Advisor of GBA Carbon Neutrality Association
  • Advisor of Association of Family Offices in Asia - MAG
  • Director of HK Quality Assurance Agency (HKQAA)
  • Director of HK Brand Development Council
  • External Advisor of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University CPCE CPD Steering Committee
  • Advisor of The Education University of Hong Kong Edu-plus Internship programme
  • School Manager of CCK Secondary School
  • Chairman of Audit Committee and Director of a 60 years-old International Trade Federation
  • Former Advisor to the HKSAR Agriculture and Fisheries & Conservation Department’s Endangered Plants & Animals Species Advisory Committee
  • Former Director at ESF Foundation Board
  • Former School Manager at Island School
  • Chairman at Arte Moda International Enterprise
  • CEO at Nanjing China Railway Best Joint Comm. Co., Ltd.
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