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Tigers Protect habitats

Tigers Protect Habitats

The beautiful, awe-inspiring tiger is one of our planet’s most iconic animals. But here is the shocking truth: Wild tiger numbers dropped by more than 95% since the beginning of the 20th century. Securing the future for tigers is about so much more than just saving an iconic species. If tigers are thriving in the wild, it's an indicator that the ecosystems in which they live are thriving too. That's good news for wildlife, for people, and for our planet.

Since 2010, WWF has been working to help increase the number of wild tigers, and for the first time in conservation history, their numbers are finally on the increase - a rare and hard-fought conservation success story. However, despite halt of tigers’ population decline, there’s much more to be done. While some regions have achieved remarkable recovery, some are still losing tigers. We need to join hands to address the crisis tigers are facing, habitat loss, illegal poaching, trafficking and etc, so they can continue to protect habitats for wildlife and human beings.



The Bhutan Tiger Project was funded by
WWF-Hong Kong.

WWF-Hong Kong supported the project, which ran from 2018 to 2019 in Bhutan’s Paro Forest Division and deployed a “zero poaching” toolkit. The major outcomes included:

  • No tigers were poached during the project period, a highly significant and symbolic outcome. There were instances where tiger skin and bones were confiscated in 2016. The tiger poaching baseline in the Paro Forest Division stood at one tiger at the inception of the project.
  • 60% of household representatives in 14 gewogs (blocks) and 30 schools within the jurisdiction of the Paro Forest Division were made aware of the importance of conservation and the ecological significance of tigers. Bhutan’s Forest and Nature Conservation Rules and Regulations (2017) and the Forest and Nature Conservation Amendment (2020) were used as educational materials.
  • All 106 frontline staff of the forest division were trained on the relevant legislation so as to improve the legal prosecution of poaching and illegal apprehension.
  • The adoption of SMART was successful, with 70% of staff using the SMART tool on regular basis for service delivery and law enforcement.
  • Infrastructure facilities in the forest division head office and the range office were enhanced with security surveillance.
  • The Paro Forest Division increased their offense detection level to 60% from the 2017 baseline. The offenses involved included wildlife offenses, timber, fishing and non-wood forest products offenses, and offenses related to land. Due to intensified surveillance and detection levels, trends in illegality declined during the project period.
  • During the project period, a multi-sectoral approach to wildlife crime prevention involving different agencies was instituted in the Paro Forest Division.

Although we have achieved some remarkable results, the tiger conservation work is still not over. We need your support to continue our tiger conservation journey so our habitats can be further improved.

Location: City Plaza G/F (near eslite spectrum)
Event Date: 19 – 28 August 2022
Event Time: Weekdays: 11:30 am – 8:00pm  Weekends: 11:00am – 9:00pm
Activities include:  Education Talk / VR Experience Workshop / Detective Game


Junior Panda - Tiger Investigator Challenge

The new “Tiger Investigator Challenge” in our Junior Panda platform enables your kids aged 6-12 to complete mini-challenges to test their knowledge on tigers. Upon completion, participants can receive a “Tiger Investigator” e-badge on their own! What’s more, the e-badge will be a key to unlock the final challenge in the “Tigers Protect Habitats” event for an exclusive prize! More details will follow, so stay tuned for more updates!




© Stephy Tang