Ecological Monitoring Survey for October - November

Posted 07 January 2020
Pied Avocets
Pied Avocets
Prime birdwatching season is underway at Mai Po Nature Reserve so be sure to book your place to enjoy the beauty of our world-famous Ramsar site. Eco-visits are operating as normal as we continue preparing for the rebuild of the Peter Scott Field Studies Centre (PSFSC), located in the village outside Mai Po Nature Reserve, adjacent to the commercial fish ponds falling within the wetland conservation area of Inner Deep Bay.

The seventh of our monthly ecological monitoring survey is now available to read here. It is part of our ongoing monitoring following on from the environmental and ecological assessment report published on this site covering the demolition and rebuild at PSFSC. 

The Peter Scott rebuild will enhance capacity for wetland training and research, providing space for community forums and workshops. This can bring groups together to tackle threats to biodiversity and the issues surrounding the protection of Deep Bay wetlands and the East Asian-Australasian Flyway. The centre rebuild aims to reinforce our community commitment to securing the biodiversity of Hong Kong in support of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity with the education focus on developing a voice for nature in our younger generation. The new centre has learning and activity areas to supplement outdoor learning. During Hong Kong’s summer, especially during rainstorm warnings, the learning areas will be available.
Pied Avocets
Pied Avocets
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