Public FS Hydrant, Tam Kon Chau Road

Posted 19 October 2020
Public FS Hydrant, Tam Kon Chau Road
© WWF-Hong Kong
WWF’s contractor Tactful Construction & Engineering HK Ltd submitted an application to Lands Department in November 2019 for an excavation permit which was issued in May 2020 using designs approved by Water Supplies Department. 

WWF’s contractor has been in continuous liaison with Water Supplies Department regarding the upgrade to the public fire services hydrant at Tam Kon Chau road – over aspects of the alignment, and for technical advice on issues such as water pressure – as the current hydrant does not meet modern safety standards.

WWF has worked closely with the local Mai Po community since the early 1980s and the public fire hydrant upgrade will provide fire-fighting capacity to both local residential premises and WWF facilities.

Although the implementation and cost of this public works is borne by WWF, the fire services hydrant works are coordinated with the government and will be handed back to the government upon completion.

WWF has emphasized to our contractor on liaising properly with various government authorities on the works, including Lands Department who issued the excavation permit, WSD who have approved the design and Planning Department as required. This includes operating with necessary consideration for the environment, supported by effective onsite checking and supervision.

This includes operating with necessary consideration for the environment, supported by effective onsite checking and supervision. Further updates from Planning Department and Lands Department, and on environmental measures, will be updated on our Mai Po Community webpage.
Public FS Hydrant, Tam Kon Chau Road
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