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Community Empowerment
© Milos Bicanski WWF-UK

WWF launched the ECF Sea Without Litter project in 2016 to promote the idea of marine litter source reduction through engagement with the marine recreational industry, fisheries industry and schools. To continue this spirit of empowering society to more proactively solve the marine litter problem, a community-based approach -- by training community leaders and implementing demonstration projects -- was launched in November 2018.
The Blue Ocean Incubator programme seeks to implement innovative and sustainable projects in our community, with WWF offering support in the form of training, mentorship and HK$50,000 funding. Six teams were selected to implement their pilot projects starting in September 2019.

Blue Ocean Incubator
© WWF-Hong Kong
Litter-Free Alliance
© WWF-Hong Kong

The sources of Hong Kong’s marine litter can differ widely across the territory, depending on the area’s geographical location, orientation and human uses. Understanding the sources of marine litter in the different districts is important in developing more targeted strategies and tactics. To achieve this goal, WWF has been partnering since 2017 with various local community groups including fishermen, community centres, owners’ corporation and district councillors in 10 districts. Through coastline surveys and clean ups, as well as conducting community workshops and forums, we aim to formulate solutions to tackle our marine litter problem.
Our partner community, Tai O, has traditional stilt houses that often trap marine litter underneath. Working with the local community, WWF installed a refuse boom in 2018 to prevent marine litter from flushing into the village. The project has helped to engage the local community to take a more active role in environmental protection.