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Green Cities
© Sam Shum / WWF-Hong Kong

The struggle for a sustainable future will be won or lost in our cities. It's essential that we tackle these large-scale environmental challenges head-on. To reach our decarbonisation target to limit global warming to 1.5C, we need solutions that include the use of solar PV technology, a ban on unnecessary single-use plastics, and a change in our resource consumption patterns.

We need to scale up use of renewable energy by embracing new technology to meet our 10% target by 2030

© Adam Oswell / WWF
Why does it matter?

Time is running out for effective action to address the climate emergency and global heating, as stridently conveyed in the IPCC's latest special report. Effective action requires participation from all stakeholders, especially government in policy making or enactment of law and regulations, and to bring about transformative change away from business as usual.

What WWF is Doing

WWF-Hong Kong is working on innovations in low-carbon offices and supply chains and is a driving force for sustainability in the Hong Kong fashion industry. Companies accredited under our LOOP (Low-carbon Office Operation Programme) and LCMP (Low Carbon Manufacturing Programme) collectively avoided nearly half a million tonnes of carbon emissions since 2014 against a business-as-usual scenario. Our sustainability advisors are engaging with corporate and institutional investors on green bonds, green finance and sustainability reporting and bankable nature solutions. Our climate policy programme aims to influence a change in the city’s renewable energy and decarbonisation strategy, green transport and the use of electric vehicles (EVs), and management of waste plastics.

What you can do

Join our advocacy campaigns, sign up to one of our advisory services and commit to live a sustainable lifestyle