About LCMP

Q1. Who is eligible?
Companies belonging to the industry categories listed in the table below, with manufacturing plant(s) in Hong Kong or the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, are eligible to join. We are gathering information from companies in other sectors and locations to analyse market demand in order to cater to all companies interested in the programme. Please email us for more information.
Industry number Description of the industries
4 Wearing apparel manufacturing
7 Textile industries
15 Plastic products manufacturing
18 Fabricated metal products manufacturing
19 Office, accounting and computing machinery manufacturing
20 Radio, televison and communications equipment and apparatus manufacturing
21 Machinery, equipment, apparatus, parts and components manufacturing
23 Electronic parts and components manufacturing
24 Electrical appliances, housewares and electronic toy manufacturing
25 Professional and scientific, measuring and controlling equipment, and photographic and optical goods manufacturing

* Industry number shown on the application form
Q2. What are the fees?

We are privileged to receive funding from our founding sponsor, the Green Dragon Fund, and the British Consulate-General Hong Kong to cover the initial cost of starting the programme. In addition, these organisations have committed to continued funding to expand to other industry sectors. The fee provided by participating companies will cover administrative costs and system maintenance costs relating to the programme.

Fee Structure Breakdown

Fee Schedule
Fee Category Fee Amount
Administrative Fees
Application Fee
Biannual Renewal Fee (accreditation level)
HK$1,000 per application
HK$500 per application
LCMP Participation Fee
Preparatory Level
per factory site per year
Accredited Level with certified LCMP Label
per factory site per year
Appeal (1) (If required)
Appeal Processing Fee

Independent Third-Party Verification Fee(2)
Fee Category SMEs Establishments other than SMEs
**Below amount is a reference for LCMP participants and is an estimated amount from the Qualified Independent Third-Party Verifier Organizations**
On-site Verification Fee(2)
**Applies for the Biannual Renewal-On-Site Verification Fee**
(for 2 mandays)
HK$30,000 - 45,000
(for 4 to 6 mandays)
Appeal Verification Re-evaluation Fee(2)(3) (50% refundable if the appeal is allowed)


  1. The Appeal Process is created to allow participants an opportunity to veto the label presented to the participants by the Accreditation Committee.
  2. On-site verification is provided by LCMP qualified independent third-party verification organizations and is a commercial transaction between the participating companies and the appointed verification service providers. WWF will not be involved in this process.
  3. If the appeal is allowed, 50% of the re-evaluation fee is refundable; no refund will be given if the appeal is dismissed.
  4. Unless otherwise specified, all fees are non-refundable.
  5. The above fee schedules are subject to change at anytime without prior notice.
Q3. Why should I join? What are the benefits?
By providing manufacturers with a tool to measure carbon emissions and to help them strive towards best practice, the LCMP ensures low-carbon manufacturing practices are properly learned and implemented along the supply chain, which is in line with mainland China’s national energy saving plan and carbon emissions reduction target.

Companies joining the LCMP enjoy the following advantages:

Improved energy efficiency, saving money in the long run
Implementation of LCMP measures will raise the energy efficiency standard to the best practice level and uncover operational inefficiencies; which is a simple and effective method of saving money in the long run.

Easy implementation – low or even no investment cost
Most of the measures suggested in the LCMP pilot phase involved low investment cost, or even no investment cost. The average payback period ranges from one to three years. It is relatively easy for companies with an existing ISO system to follow the guidance of the LCMP tools and incorporate GHG management into their existing system.

Attract new customers and retain existing customers
Nowadays, consumers across the world pay attention not only to the price and quality of products, but also to a brand’s transparency and its efforts to control carbon emissions. Showing that a business is in control of its carbon emissions is an excellent way to help retain customers and attract new customers.

Stand out in global competition
By joining the LCMP, companies can build up a solid carbon management framework effectively. By cooperating with WWF, a leading global conservation organisation, companies can benchmark themselves against other global competitors, and stand out amongst their competitors.

Prepared for future global regulatory challenges
Carbon tax is an inevitable regulation, one which will soon be in force around the world. By joining the LCMP, companies will be well-prepared for a new legislative environment and new regulations on carbon emission control and data disclosure rules which may be drafted within any country at any time - including countries forming a company’s supply chain.

Demonstrate vision to shareholders and investors
Companies joining the LCMP make obvious their management’s vision in meeting global requirements on carbon emissions. When a LCMP company is compared with a company that simply meets individual customer’s expectations on an ad-hoc basis, it is quite clear that LCMP membership is a distinct highlight for both shareholders and investors.

Q4. What are the assessment criteria of the four LCMP labels?
To be awarded with LCMP labels, companies must have undertaken independent third-party on-site assessment by qualified verifiers. There are three assessment criteria: (1) carbon intensity reduction, (2) greenhouse gas (GHG) management practice and (3) energy efficiency of processes and operations. The sum of scores attained in each criterion, assessed by the online carbon accounting system or against the best practice checklists, will define the label category to be accredited.
The details of the criteria are as follows:

(1) Carbon intensity reduction
The carbon emissions intensity data of the assessment year and the baseline year are gathered from the online carbon accounting system. The data of the assessment year is then compared with that of the baseline year to obtain the percentage of change in carbon emissions intensity. This criterion contributes to 25% of the maximum label score.

(2) Greenhouse gas management (GHG) practice
To institutionalize a management system within manufacturing companies and assure continuous effort in reducing carbon emissions, a GHG management best practice checklist is used to assess the performance of companies. This criterion contributes to 35% of the maximum label score.

(3) Energy efficiency of processes and operations
The distance to best practice in terms of energy efficiency of processes and operations is assessed against a series of best practice checklists focusing on factory general utilities or industry-specific manufacturing processes. This criterion contributes to 40% (20% in factory general utilities and 20% on manufacturing technology processes) of the maximum label score.

Label Total score
Platinum Equal to or greater than 80
Gold From 60 to less than 80
Silver From 40 to less than 60
Certified From 20 to less than 40
Preparatory Less than 20 / has not yet undertaken any third-party verification
Q5. Which companies have joined, and what are their thoughts?
Computime (electronics)
could reach cost savings of 2.62 million RMB per year by implementing 20 measures with a payback time of less than 1.5 years.

ITEM (plastics)
could reach cost savings of about 895,000 RMB per year by implementing 16 measures, with a payback time up to 3 years.

Lever Style (garments)
could reach cost savings of 2.16 million RMB per year by implementing 15 measures with payback time of less than 1.5 years.
Q6. Data Privacy - will any governmental agency be able to access my data or will it be disclosed to the public?
Data will not be disclosed to any agencies or the public but we do encourage participating factories to openly share data to demonstrate their awareness of the issues of environmental sustainability.
Q7. How’s the effectiveness of LCMP?
In 2008, the LCMP system was tested on three pilot companies in the Pearl River Delta in the electronics, plastics and textiles / garments sectors. The potential GHG emissions reductions identified ranged from 12 % to 24% per year, with a total reduction of 4,053 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2eq.) - 19% of total GHG emissions of all three companies.

74 million tCO2eq. reduction per year is potentially achievable when such measures are extrapolated to all 55,000 Hong Kong-owned factories in the PRD. This GHG mitigation potential is comparable to most Nordic countries' total national GHG emissions.

LCMP Implementation Process

Q1. How can we define the activities in Scopes 1, 2, 3?
According to the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol)*, activities in scopes 1, 2, 3 can be defined as follows:

Scope 1: Direct GHG emissions
Direct emissions from stationary or mobile combustion sources in the manufacturing factory. For example, fuel consumption in boilers or furnaces, emissions from company vehicles, etc.

Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions
Indirect emissions from generation of purchased electricity, steam or heat.
For example, electricity consumed in factory that is supplied via the power grid.

Scope 3: Other indirect GHG emissions
Other indirect emissions. For example, emissions resulting from business travel in non-company owned vehicles, third-party outsourced activities, etc.
*The Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol), developed by the World Resources Institute and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development, is the most widely used international accounting tool for government and business leaders to understand, quantify, and manage greenhouse gas emissions.
Q2. Does the boundary of the activity include the production area only?
No, it includes all the related activities in the factory, e.g. canteen and dormitory, etc. However, only the activities in Scopes 1 and 2 are mandatory to report. It is optional for the factory to report the data in Scope 3.
Q3. What unit should be input into the carbon accounting software?
The unit should match the unit given in the carbon accounting software.
Q4. Can we input the approximate usage amount of fuel for easier operation?
No, the figure should be exactly the same as the figure in supporting document or evidence.
Q5. Can we merge and input the data of all activities using the same fuel?
No, the data of other activities should be input separately even if they use the same fuel.
Q6. Will the data of all fuels used be counted?
No. Direct CO2 emissions from biological fuels (such as wood) will be reported separately and will not count towards the overall emissions of the factory.
Q7. Can we input the data according to the purchase date records?
Data should be input based on the actual fuel usage in a particular month. If there are no records of actual fuel usage, data can be entered according to the purchase date records. This is acceptable, provided that the records are distinct for each individual activity. However, the purchase records should contain the data for the whole year, i.e. January first to December 31st of each year.
Q8. How many times should we input data over the course of a year?
We suggest that a factory should input data once a month for each activity.
Q9. Why is the user account locked?
The user account will be locked if incorrect password is entered 5 times consecutively.
Q10. Why are the “Data” / “Graph” / “Table” / “Report” icons missing in the system?
To ensure that the system displays properly on web browsers, we recommend that users use Internet Explorer 7.0 or above.